Thursday, March 17, 2011

History of flight

Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright. figure via solarnavigator

The first flight test of history. figure via allposters

Wilbur Wright was born on April 16, 1867, disebuah farm in Indiana, United States. Meanwhile, following Orville was born on August 19, 1871 in Dayton, Ohio. They are the third and fourth sons of Milton and Susan Wright. Wilbur Wright and his family settled in Dayton, the house where Orville was born. Childhood Wilbur and Orville Wright are not extraordinary. They go to school like other children, and sometimes they play hooky. Although Wilbur and Orville Wright as a child to work, play and think together, but in fact they have different properties than the range of ages. Wilbur Wright would rather busy themselves, exercising or reading. In terms of school achievement Wilbur is more advanced. Although both are equally intelligent, but Wilbur is more diligent and enjoyed learning the Greek language and Mathematics. Orville was smart, but she dissidents. This property is often brought on difficulties so that he once kicked out of school.

At one time, Orville, who liked to make the kite has been replaced with a predilection in the field of printing. Together with his friend, Orville set up a small printing press. Self-made printing machines, and one of the prints at the time was kwintasi payments offered to shops all over Dayton. Business cooperation was so successful that Orville had said that for his future, he will pursue that field. From the nature of the two as if the thinker Wilbur and Orville the prospective entrepreneur, will take their lives. However, there was something then change their way of life forever.

In 1889, Susan Wright died. After Susan died, the house that previously quiet slowly returned to normal because the position has been replaced by Susan's daughter, Katharine. Although Katharine youngest child, he was able to act as housekeeper for her father, Orville and Wilbur who slowly gain health back. Meanwhile, Orville and Wilbur will eventually feel that the gap between them has been docked on its own. They liked the same things, they also thought the same pattern. Even in the fierce debate anything, they speak the 'language' the same. They were of one heart and one soul almost in all things, and this continues into old age.

In 1892, Wilbur and Orville built a bike company that is named Wright Cycle Company. At first, they are just selling a bike, but when the business began to advance, they began making his own bicycle repair and sell services as well. In 1896, they were attracted to the German engineer Otto Lilienthal, who tried to develop new means of transportation, and the experiments tried was flying. At that time people have been flown using a balloon, more than a century earlier. But Lilienthal made different experiments. He tried to fly with a machine that is heavier than air. Although Lilienthal not the first person in the experiment.
Earlier also, when the first balloons were flown, which is when an English nobleman, Sir George Cayley, began a series of experiments. In 1809, Cayley began publishing its findings, one of his works are On Aerial Navigation. Cayley flight revealed more severe than the air in a sentence that later became famous. He pointed out that expanding the wings of a bird against the wind. When a bird flew into the front, its wings against the wind with a small angle. And wind, which in this relationship as moving horizontally, working on an angled surface such that it causes the bird lifted. That is, the wind moving it serves to support the weight of the bird.

Interest in Cayley against flying machine heavier than air and then transmitted to the Willam Henson, a textile engineer. In 1842, Henson spoke about the power throws. In his writings, Henson said that a body is lightweight and flat, or nearly flat, thrown to the side in a position slightly tilted, the object will be lifted on its own. The item will continue to rise as long as two conditions were met. The front edge should be slightly higher than the rear edge, and the power that drives the future must remain there. At that time the factories after the Industrial Revolution using the energy derived from steam. Therefore, in 1840, Henson made the design a flying machine which he called 'Flying Steam Train'. Although a breakthrough at that time but the design Henson failed to fly.

Experiments conducted by the scientists are adding a strong interest in the Wright brothers to solve the puzzle of flight. They seek a variety of reference, and in 1899, Wilbur finally sent a letter to the famous Smithsonian Institution in Whoshington. Research institutes are sending their reading material that covers almost all written documents about the mechanics of flight. Like the students who will face the exam, the Wright brothers to his books in front of them to learn everything. It was not one scientist who worked and it increased the Wright brothers' passion to learn, try and answer his own puzzle of flight.
Balance problems into initial question to be solved because the Wright brothers Lilienthal died of failing to control the balance of his flying machine. Finally they found something that has not been tried by others. They have varying wing shape during flight. Wright argues that, if the flying machine on your left, the left wing will be lower than the right wing. However, if the wing shape can be changed, then the left wing can be changed in such a way that terjangnya angle greater than the right wing. Angle lunge larger produce greater lift as well. Thus, the left wing will be lifted up while going down the right wing. In this way the plane will fly again balanced.

For years the Wright brothers experimented for these ideas into reality. During July and August 1899, they make a kite''two-level''that resembled a box. The length of the wing is nearly two meters and is equipped with a rope tied to its ends. Depending on how interesting the rope. One end of the double winged kite that will go down. The idea that would underlie the aircraft control system to date.
Lack of publications considered by the Wright brothers as a blessing. Because then they can continue flying activities without interruption. They can make "Flayer I, II, III". Attention of the Europeans towards the success of Wright's not the American people, the place where they were born. Attention of the Europeans are very big on Wright brothers' plane creation.

Kitty Hawk is a historic place where the Wright brothers spent many years to devote his ideas, ranging from the wing to the engine. Finally a machine that is heavier than air flight. Eskperimen they finally succeeded. But not everyone will care about their success, even those near where they were experimenting. Most people do not realize the differences between flight performance and achievements of the Brazilian aviator flight from their own hometown. Santos - Dumont flew the flying machine is lighter than air the most recent version, which is a balloon that is equipped with a motor. While the Wright brothers' plane was the first vehicle that is heavier than air, self-powered, and can be steered by the passenger, who managed to fly. The Wright brothers had created and flew the first airplane in the world.

On August 8, 1908, the Wright brothers flew the first demonstration launch in Europe, specifically in France. When the Wright brothers' fame began to rise. Bright brothers received many contracts, ranging from increasing the aircraft's pilots to train. Wright brothers fame eventually spread to his birthplace, America. American armed forces offered a contract to the Wright brothers.

Increasingly, the plane - the plane the Wright brothers not only used to supplement the army. The planes that are not used in a war that can be used as commercial aircraft used by the general public.
The existence of the plane created by the Wright brothers made the world become interconnected with each other. People could move so quickly. The Wright brothers could make the world a little. Services in the Wright brothers deserve recalled by the entire population of the world. In modern times many, many varieties / types of aircraft that we can see, both manned and unmanned aircraft.

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